A Letter to Our Customers

Due to Alan’s death, his wife Linda will be learning the business side of Fly Babies Aviary in addition to continuing the feeding, taming, and nurturing the baby birds.  We will not be taking new orders at this time until she can take care of the customers who have already placed orders.  Please expect a delay while Linda is dealing with the stresses involved in the death of her soulmate, along with worrying about pleasing our customers. She desires to serve you.

Please rest assured that our business will continue to operate, and we remain committed to serving each and every one of you. Your support means the world to us, and no customer will be forgotten.

Additionally, with the cold and freezing weather conditions across the United States, we want to emphasize how much we care about the well-being of our birds. Their safety and health are our top priorities, and they will only be shipped at the appropriate time to ensure they arrive safely and in good health. 

Thank you for standing with us during this challenging time and for understanding our commitment to both our family and our feathered friends.

With gratitude,
Fly Babies Aviary
canary for sale
Gouldian Finch for sale
Fly Babies Aviary
Gouldian Finches for sale
parrotlet for sale
canaries for sale
canary for sale
Gouldian Finch for sale
Fly Babies Aviary
Gouldian Finches for sale
parrotlet for sale
canaries for sale
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