
Single Eclectus Male Parrot (hand fed)

Original price was: $7,900.00.Current price is: $3,295.00.

Eclectus parrots: Their feathers have a fur-like appearance and their colors are bright red for females, and bright green with a ‘candy corn’ colored beak for males. Aside from their mesmerizing appearance, these parrots are also be great companions and very clear talkers.


This is a Single Male Eclectus Parrot.

We recommend at least an 18 in square cage for these birds. We also recommend feeding them RoudyBush Nibles.

Please take a moment to read our Parrotlet Guarantee.

**Please be mindful that these beautiful pictures are of our birds whose colors that may or may not have fully matured. They are representative of the Parrotlet category, and not pictures of the specific FlyBaby that you are purchasing.



Discount – Shipping – Don’t Wait 10 to 12 weeks for your Bird to Ship! Young Hand Fed Babies.  They talk, kiss and snuggle, plus ride around on your shoulder. – 3 year replacement guarantee. We also have mated pairs too. Let us know what you are interested in.